
美国自由企业日 (AFE) is a 十大赌博网站 tradition, 追溯到1984年. It is highlighted by a medal ceremony that honors 个人 whose hard work and achievement exemplify the best of the American free enterprise system. A medalist of the year is selected and companion medals are awarded to other business leaders as well.





保罗·N. Leone

The Breakers首席执行官

Mr. Leone serves as CEO of the 128-year-old, privately held Breakers Palm Beach, Inc. 及其母公司弗拉格勒系统公司. 破浪者是唯一的大型, historic luxury resort in the country still in the hands of its original owners and is one of the longest continuously operating businesses in the state of Florida. 莱昂内很小的时候就接触到了酒店业, 在他家的汽车旅馆和餐馆工作. 他接着得了B.S. 他在肯塔基大学获得会计学学位,并成为一名注册会计师. He practiced public accounting for four years with the Big Eight accounting firm Coopers and Lybrand. In 1985, 他以酒店总监的身份加入了破浪队, 1994年,36岁的他升任总统. In 2016, 他被任命为首席执行官。, the first non-family member in the history of the company to hold this post. 自上任以来. Leone has been credited with engineering and sustaining the turnaround of one of the greatest resorts in the world by creating and fostering a unique company culture and achieving best-in-class employee fulfillment, 客人满意度, 社区服务和财务表现. He is actively involved and widely recognized for his work with numerous civic and professional organizations, 他和他的妻子, Kathy, 有四个儿子.




President and CEO of the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County

凯利L. Smallridge is the President and CEO at the helm of Palm Beach County’s leading public/private economic development agency, 十大赌博网站县商业发展局(BDB). As the longest-tenured economic development President in the State of Florida, 凯利有着令人敬畏的记录, 引领该地区一些最大的创造就业机会的项目. 因她非凡的奉献精神而受到认可, Governor Rick Scott presented Kelly with the prestigious Governor’s Ambassador Medal in 2013, acknowledging her relentless efforts in job creation for Palm Beach County. 在凯利富有远见的领导下, BDB彻底改变了十大赌博网站县的经济, earning numerous state and national accolades for recruiting and expanding companies in the region. 他是华尔街南方倡议的发起人, the BDB has attracted over 100 financial service firms to Palm Beach County, 促进该地区的经济转型. Her impressive list of awards and recognitions includes being named Florida Economic Developer of the Year in 2022, Business of the Year by the Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches in 2022 and consistently appearing among “Florida’s 500 Most Influential Business Leaders” by Florida Trend for the last decade. 凯利的影响延伸到各种著名的头衔, 如十大赌博网站媒体集团的“十大赌博网站100”, 南佛罗里达CEO评选的“40大商业领袖”, 《十大赌博网站》的"终极CEO "等等.



Maschmeyer, Inc .首席执行官.



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美利坚合众国是一个特殊的国家. 在上帝的庇佑下建立起来的, she has flourished because of the enduring grace of God and because of the pillars upon which she was built: religious 自由, 传统的犹太教和基督教道德, 宪政, 法治, 个人和政治责任, 自由企业.

十大赌博网站肯定了所有这些美国的支柱, 而是全身心投入, particularly to spreading a thorough understanding of the free enterprise system.

正如《十大赌博网站》所说, “我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的, 人人生而平等, 他们被造物主赋予了某些不可剥夺的权利, 生命就在其中, 自由, 以及对幸福的追求.”


These words are the foundation upon which the American free enterprise system was built. It begins with the belief that all people are equal—not by accident nor by decree, 而是上帝自己有目的的设计. 因此,我们的制度对所有人开放. 简单地说,上帝创造了我们每一个人. 他爱我们,希望我们成功. He has given us the will to pursue the betterment of our lives and the lives of those around us. History has shown that free enterprise provides the economic freedom that best maximizes human flourishing.

自由企业制度给人以自由. 保障这种自由是政府的职责. 产权得到保障. 合同受到法治的保护. 所有人都被平等对待. Free enterprise is a system in which people are free to exchange their labor and their private property with others to create win-win improvements to their lives and for the population as a whole.

This system often raises a question among people of faith: Can businesspeople both flourish and be good Christians? 绝对! 上帝赋予我们每个人特殊的才能和能力. We are called to use these special talents and abilities to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourselves. 创造更好的产品, 提供更好的服务, 以较低的价格出售, or employ your neighbor and you have shown love to both God and your neighbor.

我们的信仰, Roots, 与理性课程, 这是十大赌博网站所有学生的必修课, allows students to enroll in one of two courses: Freedom in American Society or 美国自由企业. The former examines the meaning and significance of freedom in the American experience. Students explore such topics as the historical roots of American 自由, with special emphasis on the close link between 自由 and Christianity, and the nature of freedom as understood by the chief architects of the American political order. It also examines the interdependence between political and economic freedom.

The 美国自由企业 course explores the nature and development of free enterprise within the Western and Judeo-Christian traditions, 对比自由企业和集体主义, 考察理性决策在经济中的作用, and evaluates arguments relating to the efficiency and fairness of the free enterprise system. When governments clearly define and enforce property rights and equally apply 法治 to everyone, 个人, 通过追求自己开明的私利, 自然会对社会有益吗. 正如亚当·斯密所说:

“Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism, 但是和平, 简单的税收, and a tolerable administration of justice; all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things.”

It is imperative that we pass down to the next generation an understanding of why the American free enterprise system exists, 它为过去几代美国人带来了人类的繁荣, 如果我们不偏离它, free enterprise will offer similar flourishing to future generations of Americans.



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